Risk of Massimult
It is inevitable that there are risks inherent with a project. This is also true for Massimult. One of the foremost risk in Massimult is regarding the explosion of certain program evaluation. This means that some programs have a bad memory consumption and this is like a research project to ensure that this cannot happen or at least, we know in advance when it happens. The team must be aware of such risks and should exercise precautionary measures to mitigate this explosion.
The second risk is related to the speed. This means that the program may not be able to run quickly as expected. The project is divided into certain layers such as compiler optimization, combinator optimization, and then implementation including the implantation of hardware. Therefore all these levels need to be integrated and optimize so to ensure there are no lapse in the running of the program.
Another risk is related to energy efficiency. For instance, fine grain on and off switching of the parts of processor. Furthermore, general construction for low energy consumption would raise like how the hardware can be constructed that it utilizes low energy. This can be mitigated through lowering the clock speed and still gain high performance. Yet, this stage is far from where we stand now. This is because we haven’t moved to the hardware construction as the software is still in the construction process.
Other than that, there are business risks associated with the project as well. This include appointment of appropriate human resources. As of now, we are a team of four of which three are expert with the software construction.
There is also a probability that the code gets stolen. This is because the code will be an open-source exposed to millions of developers community located globally. To this end, we would make the code unpatentable and try to organize an open-source community that will contribute to the original project.
Broadly speaking, the project has an enormous scope and therefore, the risks are equally in stature. The project is dependent on massive financial resources and capabilities of the team. Therefore, our aim is to have adequate resources to attract the best of human resource who understand the project and are equally passionate about the philosophy underlying Massimult.